Jackson County, IL Obituaries
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Byong-Han Min

Posted: 02/20/2025

Mrs. Byong-Han Min was a native of South Korea and a longtime resident of Carbondale. She moved to Carbondale in 1997 to be with her three children. Born in 1925, she enjoyed a long and successful career as a midwife and nurse in her hometown of Choonchun, South Korea, located 60 miles northeast of Seoul. She was a devout Christian who copied the Old and New Testaments of the Bible three times in long-hand. She led a remarkable life despite traumatic events she experienced during the dramatic upheaval of Korean history. She grew up and was educated under 36 years of Japanese occupation. Her entire family moved to Manchuria, causing her to lose contact with them until the end of World War II. The division of Korea at the end of the Korean War then separated them permanently. Despite living through these tumultuous eras of Korean history, she built a successful career and raised a family. After arriving in Carbondale in 1997, Mrs. Min taught herself Chinese calligraphy. She not only stu
